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BNC Play & Grow Programs

Our 3 year old Play and Grow Program operates at 112 High Street Berwick

3 year old Play & Grow &
Bush Adventures

Our 3 Year Old Play & Grow sessions are run as a type of pre-kinder program rather than a government funded kindergarten.  This enables children who have turned 3 years old by 30th April of the year they commence to enjoy extra time learning & socialising than they would receive at their funded kindergartens.  And this is what makes our Play & Grow Sessions so popular -


- They are run by two fully qualified and very experienced educators with no more than 18 children a day which is a 9:1 ratio (9 children to 1 educator).

- They are 5 hours long and run four days a week.

- You can enroll your child in only 1 day or up to 4 days, it's your choice.

- Previous parents have told us our program is on a par, if not better than some of the best council run and private kindergartens around the area.

- Our Bush Adventures program is also very popular especially if your child loves being outdoors, getting muddy (takes place on a Friday).

- You only pay for 5 hours (or 3 for Bush Adventures), not for 12 hours like in a long daycare, and if you qualify for the Child Care Subsidy, we can apply it to your fees.

- We are a family friendly, community run centre where we get to know our families and make your child's year with us very personable and welcoming.

3 Year Old Play & Grow Groups are offered at our

High Street Venue [112 High Street, Berwick]

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday:

9:15 am - 2:15 pm

Friday 9:15 - 12:15 pm [Bush Adventures]

Should you wish to enroll or add your child to our waiting list for any of our sessions please contact:


03 9796 1970


Bush Adventures

Bush Adventures is an exciting program offered from our High Street, Berwick venue for Term 1 and then from Wilson Botanic Park for the remainder of the year.


This year Berwick Neighbourhood Centre will offer a Friday session from 9.15 am - 12.15 pm, led by a qualified Bush Adventures educator and two additional qualified Children's Services Educators.

Children must have turned 3 years old by the 30th of April of the year they commence.

For more details contact Kerry

03 03 9796 1970

Family Testimonials

Chevonne - Parent

"Berwick Neighbourhood Centre has been the best for my kids.  All the educators are so lovely and have a real passion for their roles.  My kids were so happy to go and made many great friendships.  I highly recommend".
2022, 2023 & 2024

Izzet Family

"Debbie & Jade welcomed our son with open arms and he was instantly happy and comfortable with both educators.  Their loving and nurturing nature made it so easy to transition into the program and we experienced no separation anxiety or tears.  The fact that our son would attend his sessions with a bounce and a skip each week is a testament to the environment the educators created.  They have activities set up each week which are different and interesting for the kids and do extracurricular activities which just add to the program.  We are so sad to leave this centre and feel like the educators have set the bar so high that they will be a tough act to follow.  Thank you for looking after our boy like your own and we thank you for the memories that you have helped create".
2022 & 2023

Jade Stent

“I cannot recommend the childcare, 3-year-old Play 6 Grow and Bush Adventures at Berwick Neighbourhood Centre highly enough.  My son, Oliver has previously been beautifully cared for in the childcare room and he thoroughly enjoyed his time there, participating in enriching activities and socialising with other children in a supportive environment.  He has participated in the 3-year-old Play & Grow and Bush Adventures programs this year (2023) and has had a most wonderful year.  Debbie and Jade have provided a loving and supportive environment for children to thrive and grow through a range of enriching opportunities.  From incursions, such as CFA visits and Reptile encounters, to special event days like Mother's & Father's Day and Book week, the educators have consistently gone above and beyond in making the days at Play & Grow so special.  They have also provided learning opportunities to encourage personal responsibility, like borrowing books from the BNC Library and established consistent routines in the classroom.  Likewise, Bush Adventures has been an enriching experience for Oliver, and he has loved the time he spent with Debbie, Alice & Karoline embracing a love of nature and exploring the natural world around him. He has become more knowledgeable and confident engaging with nature - certainly teaching us a thing or two when we go on walks to the park together.  All the staff at BNC, including the admin staff, have always been thoroughly organised, helpful and an absolute pleasure to deal with.  This centre is such a wonderful asset to the Berwick Community in enriching the lives of children and preparing them for future endeavors".
2022, 2023 & 2024

Parents of Eva B

“The facilities are clean & inviting, catering perfectly for the small group sizes in the childcare room.  There are a variety of activities and toys available, and they are rotated regularly.  Educators also involve the children in caring for their environment, encouraging them to tidy up and clean their toys regularly.  All staff & educators we have met have been wonderful, professional and supportive.  In the childcare room, specifically (2023), Dee & Sumayya are a great team and have made Eva's transition into care seamless for us.  They provided a high level of care, working to include and engage all children in learning through play.  They took the time to get to know Eva and her interests, and she has grown so much in the time spent in their care.  Educators worked to create a variety of programs with new them each term.  This was very engaging for Eva and sparked a lot of curiosity.  Eva says her favorite things about childcare are - the different art & craft activities, playing/jumping in the sandpit and "finally" being able to use the big outdoor tunnel slide (in 3-year-old Play & Grow).  As she will be moving over to the 3-year-old Play & Grow room, we are glad they encouraged her to spend some time in there before she made the big transition in 2024.
2023 & 2024

Megan Wright

“2023 was Archie's first year in a "formal" kinder type program & his first time left with anyone other than family.  Being a quite child, he was naturally reserved, but with the nurturing support, love & kindness from Debbie & Jade, he was thriving in no time!  We love our time at BNC & we can't wait for another fun filled year in 2024".
2023 & 2024

Our Statement of Commitment to Child Safety

We are committed to child safety.  We want children to be safe, happy, and empowered and we have zero tolerance for child abuse.  We understand our legal and moral obligations to treat all concerns seriously and to report allegations and concerns about a child/children's safety and wellbeing to authorities.

We are committed to the cultural safety of all children, including Aboriginal children, children from culturally and/or linguistically diverse backgrounds, and to provide a safe inclusive environment to children with a disability.

© 2021 Berwick Neighbourhood Centre Inc. 

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